GMD-80A Gravity Fall Metal Detector adalah jenis metal detector free fall untuk pengecekan
produk berupa serbuk/powder/tepung/granul sebelum dikemas atau pengecekan material mentah bahan produksi dari supplier. Metal Detector GMD-80A ini cocok digunakan untuk industri pengolahan tepung, beras, kacang-kacangan, lada, kopi, gula pasir dan produk granul lainnya
yang membutuhkan pengecekan kontaminan Ferrous dan Stainless Steel sebelum didistribusikan atau diproses ke mesin pengolah produk. Pengecekan ini penting untuk menjamin
keamanan pangan kepada konsumen atau keamanan mesin agar terhindar dari kontaminan fisik seperti serpihan besi, stainless dan material logam lainnya. Kontaminan logam tentunya
membahayakan konsumen dan juga berbahaya bagi mesin produksi karena akan merusak komponen-komponen penting di dalam mesin produksi. Lebih baik mencegah terjadinya kontaminasi
daripada memperbaiki kerusakan yang bisa berakibat fatal.
Spesifikasi GMD-80A
Non Ferrous : ≥ 1.2mm (without product) SUS304 : ≥ 1.5 mm (without product) |
• 100 products preset, easy to edit and recall.
• Using new designed detection coil technology, shorter the conveyor length and save the installation space.
• Using mirror surface stainless steel, laser cutting technology, appearance looks beautiful and smart.
• Stronger stainless steel structure, obey rules of hygiene and food safety and easy to clean.
• Compact conveyor design, easy to assemble and disassemble.
• Double Channels metal detection coils and using micro controller.
• Modular Design meet with requirement of custom made, ensure after sales service simple.
• Imported high quality components and parts to ensure machine’s stability.
• Anti-interference ability strong, suitable for bad working environment.
• Automatic rejector separate the metal objects mixed in material.
• Using new designed detection coil technology, shorter the conveyor length and save the installation space.
• Using mirror surface stainless steel, laser cutting technology, appearance looks beautiful and smart.
• Stronger stainless steel structure, obey rules of hygiene and food safety and easy to clean.
• Compact conveyor design, easy to assemble and disassemble.
• Double Channels metal detection coils and using micro controller.
• Modular Design meet with requirement of custom made, ensure after sales service simple.
• Imported high quality components and parts to ensure machine’s stability.
• Anti-interference ability strong, suitable for bad working environment.
• Automatic rejector separate the metal objects mixed in material.
Unduh katalog GMD-80A Gravity Fall Metal Detector:
Katalog GMD-80A Gravity Fall Metal DetectorHubungi Representatif Mealabs Metal Detector
Jln. Pondok Kelapa Raya Blok G1 No. 3D, Kel. Pondok Kelapa, Kec. Duren Sawit, Jakarta Timur, DKI Jakarta 13450
0811-1720-047 (Whatsapp dan Telpon)
021-8694 1748 (Telpon)